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EAN 20th workshop ALARA for interventional radiology & nuclear medicine

Vienna, Austria, 2-4 October 2023


Aims and objectives of the workshop

More than 10 years after workshop n°13 'ALARA in Medical Sector' and with regard to the novel issues identified in EAN Newsletter 48 (see p. 17) and 49 (seep. 9), the European ALARA Network would like to focus workshop n°20 on the application of the optimization principle in interventional radiology and nuclear medicine (new radiopharmaceuticals).
The programme will develop in 4 sessions:
  1. Setting the scene and ALARA challenges identified in the fields of interventional radiology and new radiopharmaceuticals;
  2. Tools for ALARA;
  3. Focus on (new) radiopharmaceuticals;
  4. Education and training, culture.
The programme committee endeavours to bring the major European players - such as PODIUM, EFOMP, IOMP - the professional medical associations representing the practitioners, manufacturers and experts on the stage to provide insightful keynotes for the discussions in working groups.

As traditional, a significant part of the EAN Workshop will devoted to discussions in Working Groups (each participant can participate in one Working Group, to be selected at the registration). The (provisional) topics for discussion by the Working Groups are:

  1. The challenges for the optimization of patients AND workers in interventional radiology;
  2. What are the ALARA tools available in IR? Usages and usability?
  3. What are the elements of a good ALARA culture in (nuclear) medicine?
  4. Technical developments in nuclear medicine: how to instil RP from the outset?

The workshop conclusions and recommendations aims to summarise the main points of the presentations and the discussions held during the Working Groups. 

The workshop was kindly hosted by the Austrian Ministry of Public Health (AGES) at the Vienna premises.





Session 1 - Setting the scene and ALARA challenges in Europe (Chairs: Mr. S. Andresz & Mrs. Julie Morgan)

Session 2 - Tools for ALARA (Chairs: P. Allisy-Roberts & Andy Rogers)

Session 3 - Focus on (new) radiopharmaceuticals (Chairs: Mr. N. Stritt & Mr. S. Andresz)

Session 4 - Education, training and culture (Chairs: Mrs. C. Schieber & Mr. S. Economides)

Session 5 - Working Groups Reports